Monday, April 6, 2015

Green Bean Experiment Part 3

Alrighty, well, on Saturday (4/4/15) I transplanted the green bean vine that had grown in the jar outside. It was getting too long for me to maintain indoors without support for it, and the weather had gotten warm enough that I felt it could survive. I planted it at the base of the tree in my back yard, because the garden is not yet ready to be sown.

I figured it could still get plenty of nutrients from the soil here, and use the tree as a support.

However... I didn't protect it. I left for our Saturday night Easter service, and when I got back, it looked like this:

I thought it might have been a squirrel at first, until my Death Eater of a dog went straight to the spot and started digging. Every single time I took her out that evening. I assume when my dad let her out while my parents were watching the kids, she took it down the first time. What a jerk, right?

Anyway, it's gone. I tried replanting the part in my hand there, but she tore it up the next time she went out.

The only other update I have is that since I put the extra water in the vase with the hydro polymer pearls, it has grown a decent amount. I might still have a survivor!

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